Many times the pride of being original gets in the way of rapid progress.
You have a plethora of information stored up.
Post it, post it again and again.
Even if you have poured through and seen the saaaame info and datasets until you are blue in the face and can't stand it anymore, it is still good to post and debate and comment.
There are those who are just waking up and somehow find their way here. That is why the shill shenanigans really picked up lately.
They want to grab their attention first or make them disgusted by coming here.
They run the analytics and the whole shebang with sophisticated teams and tools.
The info and facts are the weapon as has always been.
We were also to prepare for the 10 yard line, the 5, the goal.
This isn't the ideal place for normies to come but we know they do.
The opposition gains success because they are disrupting many anons train of thought. Anger, annoy, disrupt, make a mess.
Throws you off balance, takes your eyes off the goal.
You've seen this strat time and again.
You know how to beat it.
Get that info out and smile at the team you are about to beat.
They can't even see their weaknesses which still simply amazes me.
Preaching to the choir but the tune won't work unless their is a refined group.
Most know this but just a warm frennly reminder.
Fight the good fight!