I referred to the current situation as a 'fake pandemic' in an email to the boss earlier today. He replied:
"On a side note, please do not let your guard down with COVID. In 4 months it has killed more people than car accidents, drug overdoses, and the flu combined. Please stay vigilant in protecting yourself!!"
He's a good man and a good manager. He's appreciative of his employees. I replied:
"I love you, man, (no homo), but coronavirus causes the common cold. Five governors sent ill seniors back to nursing homes and long-term care facilities accounting for about 40% of 'pandemic' fatalities. The average age of victims is around 78.
The CDC stopped counting seasonal influenza deaths and pneumonia deaths and attributed them to COVID-19. The death counts have been inflated due to the financial incentive of Federal reimbursement.
Masks are completely ineffective.
If anything, this situation reveals the degree to which people can be fooled by their televisions. I am no part of this world. Please withhold judgement for a while. We'll see what transpires. Thank you for being a good man and a good manager."
Just an Anon. I'll keep you posted.