last bread don't click if not (you)
How about Hitler was the good guy and the same people that Q/Trump is fighting is the same people that opposed Hitler. Hitler wanted Nationalism for all peoples. But seperate. No Diversity. Relations? Sure. But not mixing all the food into one big mush of crap. Everything is seperated as special on its own. True diversity.
Anyway, I imagine you are too brainwashed by jewish television and jewish movies to understand.
This bothers you?
This is minor league stuff compared to the lies you have been told. Small stuff here.
It is only BIG STUFF if you truly understand what I just told you.
Nothing is what it seems.
So frustrating living in this world of lies.
So fucking frustrating.
America is the most brainwashed country that didn't ever need to be brainwashed.
And its been brainwashed for 105 years minimum. So sad and frustrating.