Anonymous ID: 42c41c Oct. 23, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.11242991   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is China Now In Control of Our Flow of Information?


China's desire for global dominance is no secret. ….


For the last three decades China has bought up American real estate, corporations, media outlets, and infiltrated our educational system and universities. Their sphere of influence is great, but the question to ask is whether their sphere of influence is now greater than our own? While our flow of information is now being threatened by Big Tech, our congressional representatives on both sides of the aisle have agreed to postpone a congressional hearing to delay a decision on their abuse of Section 230 and the monopoly they hold over the flow of information. ….


Big Tech, no stranger to censorship, is guilty of silencing conservative voices on their platforms. For years, conservatives have been locked out with trumped up charges of not following "community standards" with no clear definition of what standards were being violated. It has become increasingly clear that conservatives were targeted for their content. ….


This week, the matter came to a head when Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg proclaimed they will prevent Americans from seeing the New York Post's explosive article about incriminating emails, documents, and pictures stemming from Hunter Biden's laptop. ….


A Big Tech oligarchy, more powerful than our government, working with the Red Chinese to curb our flow of information, is a threat to our founding principles of liberty and undermines our belief in a government by the people and for the people. Americans are wondering when this oligarchy will be broken up. Investigations must be launched to expose our corrupt FBI, CIA, and our Justice department along with a long-overdue overhaul of these agencies for their complicity. A Biden win will ensure that the coverup and China's hold over us will continue. Only a Trump victory will guarantee freedom from tyranny. Our Republic hangs in the balance.

Anonymous ID: 42c41c Oct. 23, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.11243049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This election will be decisive for the world’s reserve currency


By Paige Donner


I am not alone, I’m sure, in thinking that the upcoming presidential election will be decisive for many issues. With the election looming, the Senate is focusing on the federal courts, and the media are prioritizing health care and immigration. Oddly, though, the media barely discuss our monetary system’s future, other than acknowledging that, in response to the panic, most developed nations have ramped up their “quantitative easing,” the bizarre euphemism for printing money. In fact, this election will decide our monetary system going forward. And truly, I cannot think of any other issue (aside, perhaps, from health care) that affects every single person’s daily reality, well-being, and existence more than money…….


So, here’s my prediction:


If Trump wins, it will be business as usual, at least for a while. Cash will still be in circulation for some years before gradually being phased out. Eventually, the federal government will mint a CBDC (e.g., “Fed Coin”). Then, both the federal government and the states will use this to pay all employees and contractors. Doing so will hasten the transition from fiat to digital currency.


At the same time, our government will mount a campaign to eradicate Bitcoin. Control of the world’s reserve currency that is used to settle debts is not something the U.S. will give up without a fight, and certainly not after “quantitatively easing” ourselves into trillion-dollar-debt oblivion. It won’t be pretty, but it will be a gradual transition that allows society to adjust and, one hopes, for the system to have safeguards in place to maintain individual liberty.


If Biden wins, we will transition to a cashless society as quickly as you have seen it happen in China. Under the guise of “socialism,” a central authoritarian government in cahoots with Big Tech will impose fines and penalties on anyone who does not comply. The elderly, the undocumented, and the tech illiterate will be left behind, driven to using illegal tender, i.e. cash.


Additionally, as in China, the government will use digital currency to award “good citizens” that is, people who support them politically and ideologically and punish “bad citizens,” i.e. the rest of us. This already occurs in China where people are refused train travel, prohibited from buying certain items, and are otherwise marginalized based on their government-ascribed “ranking.”




You bet.


It’s time to decide which way you’d like the future to go. As they say in the