How a perverted Belgian tourist bankrolled his dream Australian holiday skydiving and surfing by selling vile child sex videos from the comfort of lavish hotels - but one crucial mistake brought him undone
Bryan Loyson, 26, from Belgium had been selling child abuse material online
Australian Federal Police arrested him in 2019 in a Sydney backpackers
He had been funding a lavish round-the-world holiday with the profits
Australian authorities were given information by a United States based agency
A Belgian tourist who enjoyed the high-life in Australia by travelling the east coast and staying in luxury resorts was hiding a secret double life as a sick child abuse salesmen.
Bryan Loyson, 26, often posted pictures of himself on lavish holidays, including skydiving in Mission Beach and sipping wine in bath tubs in Sydney hotels.
But his luxury life fell apart when he failed to hide his digital footprint online, with IP address data leading detectives to discover his sick business - selling pictures and videos of children for $50 a piece.
The keen diver even advertised his website on social media, using Snapchat and Instagram to show off his vile products.
He pleaded guilty to selling child sex abuse material online, and is the first offender to have his assets restrained under an aggressive new strategy from the AFP.