Why did F.B.I. hide Hunter laptop evidence while Trump was being impeached for asking about Biden / Ukraine payoffs ?
Devin Nunes " They are all Dirty cops at FBI "
article and quote at conservative treehouse
Why did F.B.I. hide Hunter laptop evidence while Trump was being impeached for asking about Biden / Ukraine payoffs ?
Devin Nunes " They are all Dirty cops at FBI "
article and quote at conservative treehouse
well , we're waiting
Why cant FBI find Osama Bin-Laden with its massive intel budget while CNN can walk into his hideout and interview him ?
William Cooper , predicting 9-11 on June 28, 2001 = OBL is cabals creation and is serving them well
" they'll get it all eventually " — George Carlin
The Federal [ Feral ] Reserve is the primary engine that powers the swamp.
The top of the pyramid as it were.
knowing who mystery babylon is , the whores that prop up the evil system, helps too
CFR member list and assorted nuggets about them, CFR is a M A J O R part of cabal
anons control the trendline
I felt a great disturbance in the swamp , as if thousands of S-E-S Obama loyalists cried out in terror and the GOT FUCKING FIRED !
power back in No Va ?
They all killed Kennedy
children of the corn lookin bunch
OODA loop