Possibly Notable
Part One:
Pretty harmless measures to take (just like washing your hands) that may help toward preventing/reducing the effects/length body effected…of viruses
-SOAKING face masks in salt water can block coronavirus from seeping through, a new study suggests. US researchers found that their ability to filter out tiny particles comparable in size to the virus…
-DIY Warm distilled water salt nasal washes with nasal bulb syringe, salt nasal spray (reusable bottle or purchased saline above .09% saline, warmest water that I feel comfortable with (I have never used baking soda)
-Gargle with salt water/use mouth wash and even 3% hydrogen peroxide periodically as a mouth wash.
-Eye drops periodically (Eye drops usually have saline as a base ingredient.)
it is advisable to wash thoroughly with saline solution or artificial tears to try to eliminate the presence of viruses as much as possible, if inadvertently touch your eyes frequently.
Before you use eye drops, wash your hands with soap and warm water. Dry them with a clean towel.
-In combination with taking daily zinc & D3 with a swig of tonic water (with quinine in it).
-Steamed facial, periodically. (Breathing in heated air/ heat/certain time duration or exposure has been shown to kill sars viruses.)
Researcher turns 'SARS mask' into a virus killed
Choi and his research team have devised a way to improve the filters in surgical masks so they can trap and kill airborne pathogens. … salt on the filter. The virus is exposed to continually …
Soak your face mask in salt water to 'block coronavirus
Nasal Irrigation/wash:
First, use boiled water (cooled down) or distilled water (microwaved for two minutes, then cooled) to make your own saline solution.
Use as instructed for irrigating through your nose.
Clean the inside and outside of your irrigation device with soap and tap water. This step is important to remove particle matter like mucus and other grime. It will allow the subsequent disinfectant to work more optimally.
4. Disinfect the device in one of two ways (both of which destroy bacteria and viruses including COVID-19):
5. Boil all components of the device in water for five minutes
6. Rinse the inside of the device and clean the rest of it with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Leave open to air dry.
Hypertonic saline nasal irrigation and gargling should be considered as a treatment option for COVID-19
Sandeep Ramalingam,1 Catriona Graham,2 Jenny Dove,1 Lynn Morrice,3 and Aziz Sheikh3
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Post-hoc secondary analysis of data from our recent Edinburgh and Lothians Viral Intervention Study (ELVIS) pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) indicates that hypertonic saline nasal irrigation and gargling (HSNIG) reduced the duration of coronavirus upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) by an average of two-and-a-half days. As such, it may offer a potentially safe, effective and scalable intervention in those with Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) following infection with the betacoronavirus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [1].
Coronaviruses were the second most common cause of URTI (after rhinoviruses). Fifteen individuals were infected by a coronavirus: 7 in the intervention arm, 8 in the control arm. In the intervention arm, four participants were infected by an alphacoronavirus (HCoV 229E = 3, HCoV NL63 = 1) and three by a betacoronavirus (HCoV HKU1 = 3). In the control arm, two were infected by an alphacoronavirus (HCoV NL63 = 2) and six by a betacoronavirus (HCoV OC43 = 1, HCoV HKU1 = 5). An individual in the control arm with HCoV HKU1 had dual infection with rhinovirus.
The duration of illness was lower in the intervention arm compared to the control arm in the subset of patients infected with coronavirus (mean days (SD): 5.6 (1.4) vs 8.1 (2.9)). Using a two-sample t test, this was difference of -2.6 days (95% confidence interval (CI) = -5.2, 0.05; P = 0.054). The difference in the duration of blocked nose was -3.1 days (95% CI = -6.0, -0.2; P = 0.04), cough -3.3 days (95% CI = -5.9, -0.7; P = 0.02) and hoarseness of voice -2.9 days (95% CI = -5.6, -0.3; P = 0.03) in favour of HSNIG
Our in-vitro data gives the evidence that NaCl has an antiviral effect that works across viral types.
Hypertonic saline is a sterile saline solution of different concentrations, 3 percent, 3.5 percent, and 7 percent. It works by increasing the amount of sodium (salt) in the airways. Salt attracts water into the airways, which thins the mucus, making it easier to cough out.