The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER Jennie Taer - yet another Jew shill pushing LGBT on the Goyim.
Does Jennie Taer show Lesbians like this at her Chabad Synagogue?
*JENNIE TAER *The Christian-Hating Chabad AIPAC NameFag JEW Shill: ✡USIL✡–
The Pornify "Fuck The Lord's Prayer" Israel-Chabad-AIPAC Shill.
*Here are some Highlights from Taer's LinkedIn:
*Jennie S. Taer
"Writer" & Research Assistant
Sara Carter June 2018 - present
*University of Arizona 2015
•Promoted Israel at the University of Arizona through social media and campus events
(Prager is Jewish, CEO worked at Mossad Unit 8200)
Advanced Modern Hebrew
Honors & Awards
*Campus Representatives for the Champions of Jewish Values Gala in New York City June 2015
Rabbi Shamuel Boteach
(Boteach wrote a book Kosher Sex: A Recipe for Passion and Intimacy)
Rabbi Boteach heads the leading organization spreading universal Jewish values and defending Israel in American media.
*Chabad of U of A
Outreach Chair
*Recruited Freshman to attend weekly dinners & services
*AIPAC Representative for Schusterman High School Summit Mar 2012Reminding everyone why:Jews Have Been Kicked Out Of Every Country They Ever Lived In. and Shit On.
Jennie Taer's Pornification of the Lord's Prayer (naked tits,ass, pussy cracks) is the same as someone spray painting a Swastika on a Synagogue. If you are caught painting a Swastika on a Synagogue, you get arrested. Jennie Taer deserves the same.
*Jennie Taer's Twitter states that she "covers anti-semitism".
On her Twitter, she posted a video of 2 guys on a bicycle swiping the black hat off the head of an Orthodox Jew. She Reeeees "anti-semitism".
Yet Anons remember her venomous Pornifcation of the Lord's Prayer that she had been spamming here day and night for the last several months in Spring/Summer.
*July 25, Saturday - Since I OUTED her on Saturday, Taer has been doing Damage Control and has toned down the pussy cracks with the Lord's Prayer, altered with her add-on Sexually suggestive words. but not for long…
*That's because her boss is Sara Carter, and Taer thinks that she's covering her tracks now…..
*Oh Look Goyim! I'm a Patriot! just like you Pussy Porn Christian Cattle!
But, she's still pushing Lust, Tits, Ass & Pussy with The Lord's Prayer. or just pussy cracks minus The Lord's Prayer.
**Jennie Taer is now the protégée of AFLB, the Israeli Jew shill Fungus Bread Shitter.
And anons Remember what they witnessed from Taer over the past months since May.
Jennie Taer Jew hates Christians. and her phony attempts at Damage Control now only serves to remind all of us what scum she really is.
Know Your Christian-Hating Jew shill: JENNIE TAER