Thanks non-animefag baker!
Noice. I had to add a few.
If ya want any of the others lemme know. Thank you o7!
Don't you fucking dare.
No. No one wants me to bake for sure. I'll rescind my thank you for sure though if you let that anime nigger bake.
Ikr?! And to think I was looking forward to at least one fucking late night bread without these animeniggerfaggots. Fucking ridiculous.
Both vidz related. Fuck off.
Filtering is for pussies and niggers of which I'm neither but you do you.
That's your fault for shopping at wall mart and the like. I've never wore a mask and don't intend to start for anyone or any fucking store. Fuck them all.
Thanks fren. I just added my touch to an already killer meme. o7
You're a special kinda retarded aren't you?
Unfortunately I can't argue that one. Touche.
Nothing's wrong with me. Wtf is wrong with you? Ma va fancoulo.
Learn discernment faggot and don't be a pussy.
You're one gross motherfucker.
>so his minions will be deleting posts left right and center.
That's complete bullshit right there. Breadbox has never been into deleting anything unless it goes against tos but you already knew that. Fuck right off.
Keep telling yourself that moishe.
Faggot, I absolutely love POTUS Trump. Nobrohomo. Your memes however spicy don't apply to this nigger.
Whatever you say. Breadbox has always been good in my book. Do I wish he never got the keys from 8bit? Sure but that doesn't negate my support for him in any way, shape or form. Are any rate both of y'all should go suck yourselves off somewhere else.