Anonymous ID: 35b531 April 20, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.1125529   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If Q group/MI, POTUS and white hat patriots everywhere do their job exposing and dismantling cabal corruption, that will go a long way toward fixing many problems within govt. This will go down as an epochal period of time in history. The recorded details (in picture, audio, film...) will continue to exist well into the future, serving as a harsh lesson for how not to think, behave, believe, or vote! Many countless sleeping citizens (especially those on the left, the useful idiots) will be humiliated as the details unfold and they lose all power to argue against reality. Many will beg forgiveness for having denied so much obvious truth for so long. Changes to any rules of government employ (term limits, laws limiting wealth accumulation while in office), and even the constitution (if necessary) will not be difficult with an awakened, humbled populace in full support of the changes. Many common sense, truthful voices will begin to be heard instead of the ignorant, compromised liars we currently have to deal with everywhere. Education, news reporting and entertainment will likely not look anything like what we have now. So much will be great once again!