These fucking kike/jew (((shills))) sure are annoying trying to fabricate 'conversation' and manufacture "consensus" by yaking off to each other. Get more training maybe, fucking jew faggots.
These fucking kike/jew (((shills))) sure are annoying trying to fabricate 'conversation' and manufacture "consensus" by yaking off to each other. Get more training maybe, fucking jew faggots.
(((pedophiles))). (((satanists))). ((cabal)).
Useful pawns covering for their masters.
>these people are stupid.
>maxine stupid.
>This team is pretty advanced. They have two IDs acting as a tag-team.
You just replied to one. FE/SES/AIM/QisLARP is all same (((shill team))) from israel/related organizations.
Their spam activity SPIKED the moment maggie and hussein pic came to light.
Be watchful, anon.