I fear communism and jewish brainwashing was too much for this country to overcome.
Too much superstition.
Too much "prayer".
Its really said that good people can be so stupid. A century of jewish communist brainwashing has rendered us hopeless.
Why do I say that?
Because in a supposedly HARDCORE space where FREE SPEECH is king…
All I read here is cucky faggotty shit with no proof that only serves the jews/commies/whatever.
Good luck Q. I hope you win.
But jesus christ I hate patriotardic americans.
So cucked. So superstitious. So dependent on jew media for entertainment. I think they have committed the bigger crime. Jews are going to jew.
These cucky faggots do the jews work for them for free. You serve satan you faggot fucks. Fuck you.
Good night.
Now find out if that girl is alive or dead. Otherwise I am just reading shills cover for kikes.