TYB, fight the good fight
>>11250387 (/pb)
The homeless are the autists /add /ocd people that were "taken" down by the system with drugs. Thats why the corrupt don't do anything. They see it as mission accomplished. The homelessness problem is one of the saddest things happening to our fellow humans right now. It was very intentional not a coincidence at all. There is no argument here. There is no reason with all the technology and resources on our planet for anyone to starve or suffer being homeless. POTUS needs to get after our left leadership to fix this problem now. It stared 5 years ago and easy to track how the subverted good people.
The question is why did doc and crew change their tactics. Has anyone figured out why they have changed?
They stopped impersonating other characters on other breads.
Probably the same reason the other baker fags changed their own tactics.
It's a bad joke. But fuck it, they'll just fight over the dough like idiots.
Betcha most oldfags are just keeping their own notes now.
We have already won.
Enjoy the next few days. Anons deserve to see the fruits of their hard years of freeing the minds of the sheeple
I'm not. I'd rather see the fuckery. Because it is fuckery.
All the real bakers stopped bakingโฆ Because they aren't control freaks
Funny thing about fameFags / avatars they are easier to profile and track. Even when they morph into something else. There is always an inherent pattern when the identify themselves.
These people are really stupid
pride something something a fallโฆ
Thats funnyโฆmost all of us have extensive archives and note tools? Curious what are other using out there.? Since the beginning I have used Zim, cherrytree, atom, sublime, and custom json web sites to aggregate my notes and anon content.
What are other anons using?
I'm still "baking" offline. If I see stuff that's interesting I'll make my own fucken sanwiches. The heavy lifting here was done in 2018.
It is going to be so glorious when this demon goes down. So happy chose her to make an example of MSM. Looking forward to that part of the show.
Nice. I have so much content that I had to build my own search tools to be able to find anything. Its all web ready for when the time comes.
If it applies to you, I'm glad I triggered your ass.
IF it doesn't, why are you concernfagging over it?
This is so stupid. The people that brought this case against the McCloskeys need to be brought up on charges.
Constitutional right to protect their lives and property. They did. No one got hurt โฆ the mob moved on without incident.
This is a waste of tax dollars.
They should counter sue and fuck the real criminals.
I wish I had a quarter for every time that has been said on hereโฆ.but yeah I can always imagine.
We are winning biglyโฆ.if that were not true they wouldn't be going through so much trouble to cause fuckery.
All of their assets are deployed and they still suck balls.
The only way for peace to survive is to execute the traitors and make an example of them.
Learn Chess nigger
So easy to spot. The glow so freaking hard.
Anons are simple.
United not divided.
Atleast we have a punching bag to hit as we dig
Nigger, traitors do not understand "deterrents". That why we are here.
They only understand their own deaths.
You are looking at a very rich lady in the article. I hope she sues the shit out of the city of Nashville.
Illegal campaign contributions. No way they should ever be anonymous. Everything must be tracked with these corrupt fuckers.
haven't gotten anything either. most of the peeps I knew that were there came back east over this past winter
bet you get reported for this one
A lot of fuckery a foot. Even with Rudy's videos. He is exposing the bidens and potential child abuse of creepy joes own granddaughter. Then Rudy cuts away to do advertising. Selling cigars are you fucking kidding me?
Profiting from this is really undermining the content being presented to the public.
Its inappropriate. Where are the patriots?
If shit gets too weird. Lock and load. Enough is enough. We the people are the only truth left to stand.
I have heard that theory before. All I can say is it only takes 2% to stand up with our guns. Its pretty safe to say anons are well armed. We would rather die than be locked up by these stupid mother fuckers. They know an armed society is nothing to be fucked with otherwise they wouldn't be using the tactics they use. Subversion from within. We would destroy them if we stood together.
would you rather have political influencers get paid legitimately, or would you prefer they all go biden?
They have been fucking off in the kitchen ever since we were de-platformed. They have pretended to be on the team for a long time. For this very moment to be in control of the bakes. BO, BV's have been quite so they can do what they need to do when the time comes. Its right out of their playbook for those not following along. Enjoy the show. W&W's see everything.
Agreed. Open carry solves a lot of these challenges. When exterminating rats its a collective mission.
Public servants should not be paid at all. POTUS set the example. These people have been stealing our tax dollars for years while the people struggle. Time for accountability. If Rudy POTUS and others don't get shit doneโฆpeople must rise up and shut them down ourselves. Its our constitutional obligation.
Yeah it helps when you get tired. To see the entire show however you have to observe the shit unfortunately. I have been watching the bakers as many other anons for a very long time. I just didn't trust most of them. Fame fagging avatar fagging. Back channel comms, teams tactics they organized over that time. Now the BO can manage an access list is the excuse we are hearing? They have been somverting our trust the entire time using optics. What are they doing right now. Subliminal shit. In the context of the over all exposure they don't want exposed what do they doโฆ.normalize it. Go figure. Never seen that tactic before.
This is right out of the bookUnrestricted Warfare
HI CHYNA! We see you clearly.
You know they would kill you and not think twice about it โฆright or are you that lost. Great to be holier than most but they will destroy the people to regain control. Its pretty obvious seeing how they just released a so called pandemic on the world.
Wake the fuck up. You are going to be the first they come for because you won't put up a fight. These fuckers are evil
not quite. i'm paying for rudy's digs with my attention - i don't mind skipping over a few ads along the way. you're a moran if you've actually paid for content.
Yeah I get yaโฆ.but that Rudy cigar selling advertisement was just wrong on so many levels.
Made me a little sick with the context of child abuse. I am very appreciative of the data released don't get me wrong. But fuckery a foot when someone is trying to make money from itโฆmaybe if he were giving the money to victims er something it would be a little more acceptable. Rudy doesn't strike me as a person struggling for money. (Like most Americans right now.)
Sorry you are a complete retard. You are not paying attention. They have been murdering people for years. Its on them we are merely protecting ourselves and our community and children.
Anons are not violent but when necessary we will throw down to protect what is right.
You are a fucking idiot if you don't understand what we are up against. They love programed bible thumpers such as yourself.
Have you actually watched his latest video? Hes not cutting away to a commercial hes is reading the advertisement himself. From his mouth selling cigars. There is also YT advertisement on top of that. Commoditized multiple times in short video. Too many times for that amount of information. Sorry but doesn't sit right with me.
Money is the root of all evil.
I see very clearly. You must realize how powerful humans are individually and when unitedโฆor even united with truth the most powerful species on earth. We should be as we are the guardians. (Think frontal cortex part of the human feature set) Bigger than you can ever imagine. You make too many assumptions. many here have been awake long before Q showed up. Use logic and think beyond what you were told. Because there is much more hidden from us for so many reasons.
Don't be so hard on yourself. One day you will wake up and be happy people like me defended your programmed dumb ass. Go back to sleep and let the anons handle thisโฆ.we go your 6 even if you are too stupid to realize the world around you.