Awe shit we in the weeaboo degenerate bread.
Sup OSS! you n the team doing another 20hr shift?
Like shit weeb.
Says the famefagging baker
Hey guise I'm an anon just like youz, do you not watch anime and cry yourself to sleep too?
That doesnt make any sense.
So you post panty shots of an underage anime girl and hes the jew, fucking kek.
Dont forget to give him a reach around while your kissing his ass!
A punk ass anime bitch calling anons ho's. Once this is all over and Q has one you will still be nothing.
Sorry bro, after you posted the lolicon shit filtered ya, reported you, and cant wait to watch it get dismissed by your team. Man this board used to be about something now pieces of shit like you get to bake. Bring back the gallows.