There Must Be An Angel
No, it's mind control…
Instead of talking riddles just tell what you know.
Have been here for thousands of years.
They perform psychological experiments on us.
We blame ourselves instead of seeing the evil that rules us.
They change the timeline possibly because of wars or experiments.
What wars? Wars between them? Or a psychological experiment on us?
But the question is why do they want control in the first place.
Authority blinds you from seeing the evil…
I'm talking to evil and they to me as I write to you…
Does the administration know which people are the victims?
What happens when an authority blames the victims?
What were the victims blamed for?
Who agreed with the authority?
Wars were caused because of blind listening to authority. Was the authority always charitable or were interested parties involved?
Authority blinds you to seeing evil.
This may be what they are testing.