An awesome video that portrays the alters that a master mkultra mind splitter puts into a Presidental Model Sex Slave. All the characters in the video are actually in the same mind. Watch the end closely. It is obvious.
the hanged man.
Anyone think when the Jew caught Eichmann they learned the wearbouts of Hitlers kids?
Once in possession of the Hitler daughters they mkultra'd them and are using them to destroy Germany as a kind of sick Kike joke?
Similar as the way they are using the French Prince in America to bring us down?
So we all know Hillary and the Satanist think she is the actual Whore of Babalon that was created in a L Ron Hubbard Moonchild ceremony.
And we know we are voting on Barrett on the Whore of Babalons Birthday.
Returning the Sacred Feminine? Yeah seems so.
God helps those who help themselves. Just saying.
We are all learning to fly. Soon we will soar.
Van Jones just a brainwashed minion?
Not one of the baby eaters?
Will be interesting to see what this clown does the next couple years.
Any chance white hats are behind this to dramatically show the Libtards that their leaders cant even keep the power on?
Sometimes telling people isnt enough? We have to show them?