Anonymous ID: 4e02df March 5, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.13122252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

what our own nations now based on? i did not attend university as i had no great interest in anything offered in the universities to study. what nations do we have to conserve? i am trained in gorilla warfare and i'm the top sniper in the entire us armed forces. to take revenge for the thousands of european lives lost to terror attacks throughout european lands. and what can we do to stop it? no matter what. were/are you a “ homophobe ”? the only people that seemingly do not face such issues are those with strong traditions, gender norms, societal norms; the poor and the religious, usually a combination of all. if they could die, so can you. this crisis of mass immigration and sub-replacement fertility is an assault on the european people that, if not combated, will ultimately result in the complete racial and cultural replacement of the european people.


it ’ s profit, and profit alone that drives them, all else is secondary. to add momentum to the pendulum swings of history, further destabilizing and polarizing western society in order to eventually destroy the current nihilistic, hedonistic, individualistic insanity that has taken control of western thought. household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.a ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.gas, fire, vehicular attacks, plane attacks, any means were available. these men would stall and delay any action indefinitely, until all necessary action has been undertaken by some other, more courageous man. diversity is anathema to equality. and above all they don ’ t even care if it does.

>only for muslims.

Anonymous ID: 4e02df March 6, 2021, 12:50 a.m. No.13158505   🗄️.is 🔗kun

a political and social stalemate that makes any advancement impossible. sir oswald mosley is the person from history closest to my own beliefs. diversity is weakness, unity is strength radicalization of western men the radicalization of young western men is not just unavoidable, but inevitable. the natural environment is industrialized, pulverized and commoditized. to directly reduce immigration rates to european lands by intimidating and physically removing the invaders themselves. force is power. to take revenge on the invaders for the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by foreign invaders in european lands throughout history. each nation and each ethnicity was melded by their own environment and if they are to be protected so must their own environments. ebba was walking to meet her mother after school, when she was murdered by an islamic attacker, driving a stolen vehicle through the shopping promenade on which she was walking. 2.answers to my people/supporters questions what are your views? when non-europeans are considered europe, than there is no europe at all.


to create an atmosphere of fear and change in which drastic, powerful and revolutionary action can occur. answering possible questions general who are you? i could no longer ignore the attacks. they are not so much born as made to be what is needed of them by the greater group thought occurring around them. stop running, start fighting emotions rule over facts stop trying to persuade the general population with statistics, charts, tablets and figures. is it not preferable to die in war rather than suffer any longer so horrible a spectacle?

>when the time comes you must be ready to act.