Dear President Trump,
A Biblical parallel popped out to me in my quiet time reading The Bible this morning.
These references posted here came to mind.
It's going to be BIBLICAL.
Biblical Times.
Over the years: The 70s - 2015
What I knew and perceived about you was what was publicized about you.
My perception of you is observation from afar.
I saw you as:
Self-Confident & Assertive - A "bottom-line-me" "Git-er-Done" kind of entrepreneur.
(I've worked with & for a few of bosses like you.)
But I also saw you as:
Privileged, A "Silver-Spoon" playboy billionaire. Part of "The Elite" crowd.
Then (2015 - present) came along.
You cut through the (Media Hype) about yourself.
I've now had five years to observe (for myself) a different Donald Trump.
Different than the caricature the (Media Hype) portrayed.
I perceive a change occurred in your life.
Discovering the truth can set you free.
Understanding what's really important can be a powerful motivator.
It can change your heart, and your mind, and your character.
I was reminded yesterday that you gathered Christian pastors at your office in Trump Tower in 2012 asking them to pray for you and give you counsel because you were thinking about running for President of The USA.
This morning, this is the Bible passage that jumped out to me.
1 Kings 12:6-7 (NIV)
6 Then King Rehoboam consulted the elders who had served his father Solomon during his lifetime. “How would you advise me to answer these people?” he asked.
7 They replied, “If today you willbe a servant to these people and serve themand give them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.”
I've listened to "The Speech that will get Donald Trump Elected" many times.
I've listened to your inauguration speech many times.
I've listened to more of your speeches than I can recall.
→ I've heard what you are saying.
More than that,
→ I've (Observed your Actions) over the last four years.
Talk is cheap.
Career politicians mouth empty words.
We've been = [Sold Out] by [Evil Crooked] politicians my entire life and before.
I've seen you (Put your Life, your fortune, your sacred honor & that of your family - where your mouth is).
It is UNDENIABLE (what you gave up) to become President of The United States of America.
You take NO PAY for it. - Undeniable Fact.
Servant-Leadership & Reciprocal Love
"be a servant to these people and serve them"
Allow me a little literary license for our present-day circumstances:
"and… they will always be loyal fellow servants with you”
Reciprocal Love (Hebrew word = Hesed).
In the Bible, (Hesed) is translated in English - God's: Loving Kindness & Unfailing Love.
Hesed is love that is given with a desire for it to be returned.
Reciprocal love of relationship.
Mr. President, I've heard you emphasize (Reciprocity) in trade deals.
Just wanting deals to be (Fair).
But I think you understand (Hesed - Reciprocal Love) as well.
We ALL have the example of (The) Servant Leader.
As I belong to and serve Him,
And as a fellow patriot,
I encourage you Mr President,
"Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."
Fellow American Patriot