Dudes are liars.
Every attack they have tried has failed
David Duke …FAIL
Gold Star family …FAIL
2 Corinthians…FAIL
P_Grabbing video…FAIL
Landslide predictions….FAIL
Recount attempt…FAIL
Alt-Right accusations…..FAIL
Racist accusations..FAIL
Too many generals appointed…FAIL
Conflict of interests…FAIL
Electoral College votes….FAIL
Russia hack….FAIL
John McCain-Lindsey Graham dossier leak…FAIL
Golden showers…FAIL
Fake Trump and Obama Polling numbers….FAIL
Fake Crowd Size…FAIL
Kavanaugh raping lies…FAIL
MLK bust missing…FAIL
Refugee Ban EO…FAIL
Logan Act…FAIL
Trump TowerRussia server link…FAIL
Trump’s Tax returns…FAIL
Twitter bug accusation…FAIL
Assistant AG firing…FAIL
Comey firing…FAIL
Emoluments clause…FAIL
Trump-Comey dinner…FAIL
CNN’s two scoop-gate…FAIL
Trump exposing top secret info…FAIL
Trump’s first overseas trip being a disasterFAIL
Kushner back-channel…FAIL
Comey Testimony…FAIL
Sessions Testimony…FAIL
Mika insults…FAIL
CNN wrestling meme…FAIL
Putin punking Trump at the G20…FAIL
Junior meeting with lawyer…FAIL
Mysterious Eighth Person…FAIL
Second Putin Meeting…FAIL
Scaramucci appointment…FAIL
Transgender Ban…FAIL
N Carolina riot statement…FAIL
Paris Accord…FAIL
Spicer leaving…FAIL
Priebus resigning…FAIL
Manafort Firing…FAIL
Kelly controlling Trump…FAIL
Scaramucci Firing…FAIL
Bannon resigning…FAIL
Greensboro speech…FAIL
Schumer Dinner Meeting…FAIL
Fake DACA for Amnesty…FAIL
Alabama Strange endorsement…FAIL
NFL kneelers Speech…FAIL
Inappropriate Texas hurricane visit…FAIL
Inappropriate Florida hurricane visit…FAIL
Puerto Rico slow response…FAIL
Weinstein Connection….FAIL
Niger Soldier killings…FAIL
Niger Gold Star wife call…FAIL
Moore allegations…FAIL
Rachel Maddow’s Tax return special …FAIL
Sessions 3rd Testimony…FAIL
Asia Tour…FAIL
Asia Tour Fish food toss…FAIL
Carter Page Indictment…FAIL