Anonymous ID: 127fc9 Oct. 24, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.11254772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4786 >>4992

US Attorney Joe DiGenova on Hunter Biden Emails: “What Did the FBI Not Do and When Did They Not Do It?”


Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova was on Mornings at the Mall again this past Monday. During his time on air, DiGenova again blasted the FBI and its corrupt leader, FBI Director Chris Wray.


The Hunter Biden emails are now in the news for more than a week. These emails were found on the computer that Hunter Biden left with a computer repairman. Hunter never returned to pick up his computer. The repairman found emails on the laptop showing numerous corrupt activities involving the Bidens during Joe Biden’s term as Vice President under Barack Obama. The Bidens had a pay for play scheme and made millions at US taxpayers expense. The FBI was notified and eventually showed up and took possession of the laptop. However, Director Wray’s FBI did nothing with the laptop other than hide it.


Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova had this to say about the emails:


The most important thing is the overarching scheme. This is a decade’s old pay to play scheme. Involving monetizing Joe Biden’s public office for the benefit of the family which then kicked back money to Joe in the form of buying houses, cars, other things of substantial value, homes, and ‘it’s not his money’ quote unquote so his modest lifestyle with all his grandiose accouchement, like where did this come from. And the answer is, we now know that Hunter Biden has been a money machine for his father and he has done so as a result of using his father’s public office and the influence of his father to get clients, to get meetings with his father, and then to enrich the family.


This is bribery and conspiracy. Rudy Giuliani is absolutely correct, this is a crime family. What’s fascinating to me is, here’s the question of the week for me, “What did the FBI not do and when did they not do it?” Because they had position of Hunter Biden’s computer or knowledge of it as early as September 2019, when the Albuquerque office of the FBI was notified of the existence and some of the contents of the computer.


So what did the FBI do? We know that Christopher Wray was the FBI Director starting on August 2, 2017. What did Christopher Wray do? Don’t tell me that Christopher Wray wasn’t notified that this material was in the possession of the FBI…

Anonymous ID: 127fc9 Oct. 24, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.11254793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992

No Signature Match? No Postmark? No Problemo! This Week In Ballot Shenanigans!


Last week, we were dumpster-diving for ballots, navigating the depths of a 15-yard box for the 100 stale beer and coffee ground-stained ballots dumped by some malevolent (or lazy) postal worker in Kentucky. This week, another 99 ballots and hundreds of pieces of first-class mail were found dumped by yet another postal worker, this one in New Jersey.


Both ballot-tossing layabouts are being prosecuted by the feds, but it’s unknown at this point if this is their first ballot-tossing caper or just their latest ballot-tossing caper.


It’s hard to judge what’s worse, some disgruntled postal worker tossing ballots or Pennsylvania accepting and counting all ballots – even ones that have no identifying information, the right postmark, and mailed after the election.


We’ll start with the story that made headlines recently when Pennsylvania authorities tossed out 372,000 ballot applications.


Far from disenfranchising voters, we are assured by Pennsylvania officials that 90% of the applications were duplicates due to confused voters signing up at multiple places and with different groups, according to Just the News. Hmm.


Federal and state court actions this week have amplified the warning issued by the CEO of the polling firm Trafalgar Group, Robert Cahaly. As I reported at PJMedia, Cahaly predicted Trump could win the state but could very well have it stolen from him through election fraud.


I believe Pennsylvania to be the number one state that Trump could win and have stolen from him through voter fraud. Pennsylvania has had a lot of voter fraud over the years and giving people unsolicited absentee ballots is literally like giving voter fraud operations steroids. I think it’s the state he’s most likely to win and not get the votes from.


And when you find out about the allowable ballot chicanery you’ll understand why Cahaly is concerned.

Anonymous ID: 127fc9 Oct. 24, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.11254807   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Howard Krein, Joe Biden’s Son In Law, Is ‘Consulting Biden’ and Hoping to Make Millions on Coronavirus


Joe Biden had four children, two are deceased. The two remaining are involved in suspect dealings with their father, the Democrat nominee for President.


Hunter Biden is all over the news related to his dealings with Ukraine, China, Uzbekistan, and other countries paying for favors from the Biden family.


Hunter’s only remaining sibling, Ashley Biden, is now in the news related to her family’s corrupt dealings.


According to Women’s Health:


Ashley, 38, is the youngest of the Biden kids. She graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans and got a master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania. She was the former executive director of the Delaware Center for Justice, a nonprofit advocacy group, and also a social worker for the state’s Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, according to


Now, she’s devoted to her charitable clothing line, Livelihood, per Newsweek. She is married to Dr. Howard Krein, a plastic surgeon at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.


Dr. Krein, Ashley’s husband is also Chief Medical Officer at StartUp Health, involved in COVID-19 and the shift to telemedicine.


Politico reported that Krein served as an informal adviser to the Biden campaign’s COVID-19 response while also being involved in a venture capital firm StartUP Health.


Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova and his hosts discussed Biden’s son in law this week on Mornings on the Mall and the entire Biden family’s corrupt actions:

Anonymous ID: 127fc9 Oct. 24, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.11254819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4830 >>4920

Erdogan says Macron needs ‘mental health treatment’ and doesn’t understand freedom of religion


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron of “mistreating” millions of Muslims after officials announced a crackdown on radical mosques and Islamic extremism across France.


“What is Macron's problem with Islam and Muslims? He needs mental health treatment,” Erdogan said at a meeting of the ruling Justice and Development Party on Saturday, Turkish media reported.


What else can be said to a head of state that does not understand the freedom of belief and treats the millions of members of a religious minority in his country this way? First of all, he needs [a] mental check.


Paris is apparently unimpressed by Erdogan’s take on Macron, later denouncing his remarks as “unacceptable.”


Erdogan has been highly critical of the rhetoric Macron has employed to combat Islamic extremism in France. In early October, the French leader stated that Islam was “in crisis” worldwide due to the rise of fundamentalism. In the same speech, Macron rolled out a set of steps aimed at strengthening the country's secular values and curbing what he dubbed “Islamist separatism.” The Turkish president denounced Macron's stance as a “clear provocation,” accusing him of targeting Islam in order to “cover up” his failures in domestic policy.


The French government renewed its pledge to crack down on radical Islam after the nation was left shocked by the murder of Samuel Paty. A middle school teacher, Paty was beheaded in a Parisian suburb on October 16 by a young Chechen refugee after he showed a cartoon of Prophet Mohammed to his students as part of a class on freedom of expression. In response to the killing, officials promised to strengthen the oversight of the funding of mosques and to shut down mosques and Muslim NGOs accused of spreading hate online, among other measures.

Anonymous ID: 127fc9 Oct. 24, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.11254829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4834

SHOCK VIDEO: Detroit Election Workers Trained To Kick Out Poll Watchers, Count Challenged Ballots, Throw Out Provisional Ballots


Hidden audio has emerged from an anonymous source who took the election work training classes in Detroit, Michigan.


And you won’t believe what the trainers are instructing the poll workers to do.


The audio, posted in a video on YouTube, reveals that election workers are trained to try to kick out poll watchers and anyone who challenges any ballot. “They have to wear a mask, and they have to stay six feet. That’s important because if you don’t have six feet, they can’t come back there,” advises the instructor, who then goes on to say that a person standing six feet away from the ballots cannot accurately see what is going on and can’t verify any signatures, “Unless they got really good vision or they brought their binoculars.”


Trainees are told that the number one thing people will scrutinize are the absentee ballots. The solution to someone challenging an absentee ballot?


Just call 911 on anyone who’s pestering the poll workers. “If they make a scene, get ’em up out of there. Call the police on ’em.”


The producers of the video then cut away to the text of Michigan Compiled Laws 168.733, which specifically states that “The board of election inspectors shall provide space for the challengers within the polling place that enables the challengers to observe the election procedure and each person applying to vote.” Section (4) of the law specifies “A person shall not threaten or intimidate a challenger while performing an activity allowed under subsection.“


The training session then goes on to explain what a worker should do with a challenged ballot. The instructor advises to put the ballot in the tabulator, which is the machine that actually counts the votes, and run it as if it were not challenged, and the vote will be counted by default. The video explains that this renders the challenged ballot unchallengable because once it goes into the machine it becomes anonymous and cannot be traced or tracked.


Michiganders can register to vote through election day. So, technically, someone can vote early or by mail in a nearby state, then travel to Michigan on the day of the election, register, and vote there. Would they ever get caught? Not likely. But these newly registered voters are supposed to bring special papers, and some papers state that their ballots are supposed to go right into the challenge que. Other papers say treat the ballot like a regular one.


The video then goes on to explain that anyone can access the master list of voters in Michigan, which provides names, address, and precinct information for every voter. Pretty much anyone could show up claiming to be someone they are not and give a name that matches one that is one the list.


Evidently there are some kind of laptops that are being issued to high schoolers, who are serving in “Electronic Pollbook Inspector” capacities. And they are getting paid hundreds of dollars.


The next part is a bit disturbing, as anyone who has had their absentee ballot stolen or had one issued to a fraudulent person, will not be able to vote. In fairness, this also means that people cannot double vote, but if they intended to do that, then they could just as easily use someone else’s name.


The trainer then says if the person swears they did not vote absentee, to issue that person a provisional ballot, which goes into a special envelope, that eventually just gets thrown out. So the person thinks they are casting their vote, when really it just goes into the garbage.


Even scarier is that these are teenagers working behind the scenes. Any of them can run any ballot they want through the tabulator, or toss them into the provisional stack to be thrown away. And the voter will be none the wiser.


The video closes out by offering instructions how to become a ballot watcher.



Anonymous ID: 127fc9 Oct. 24, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.11254853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4935 >>4992

Major fire breaks out in France’s Le Havre port, smoke visible kilometres away


A huge blaze has erupted in an abandoned building in France’s northern port city of Le Havre, triggering the evacuation of nearby houses. Footage from the scene shows a large column of fire and thick clouds of smoke in the air.


The fire broke out on Saturday. According to France’s emergency services, the building is an old warehouse that is currently abandoned.


Le Havre police said on Twitter that they had started to evacuate residential buildings in the vicinity of the warehouse, and advised the public to stay away from the scene.

Anonymous ID: 127fc9 Oct. 24, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.11254863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-lockdown protesters smash police cars in Naples after new Covid-19 restrictions announced


Protesters defied curfew and attacked police vehicles in Italy’s third-largest city of Naples. The anger was sparked by the governor’s call for a new lockdown after the spread of Covid-19 hit a new daily record.


Chanting “Freedom!” the angry crowds marched through the city streets on Friday night, with some hurling bottles, smoke bombs and other projectiles at the officers. Others attempted to erect barricades using garbage containers and set some of them on fire. Police deployed tear gas as they tried to disperse the rioters.


Videos posted on social media show groups of people attacking police vehicles, forcing the officers to leave the scene.


Violence in Napoli, Italy as people take to the streets after a new lockdown is announced. People have had enough of being muzzled and caged. Unsurprisingly.

— Jim Osman (@EdgeCGroup) October 24, 2020


The mass protests in Naples and the port town of Salerno took place despite the nighttime curfew which was imposed by the regional governor and began on Friday. Residents of the southern Campania region were ordered to stay home from 11pm to 5am until November 13.


Big anti-regional government #COVID19 restrictions protests are happening right now in #Naples , #Italy. The situation seems to be out of control, thousands of people in the streets fighting with police, also stormed the regional government offices.

— Jakub Wondreys (@JakubWondreys) October 23, 2020


The public was further outraged when Governor Vincenzo De Luca announced on Friday that an “immediate” lockdown for up to 40 days was essential to stop the spread of the coronavirus.“The current data on the infection rate suggests that any type of partial measures is ineffective,” he said, explaining that it was vital to close down “everything,” except for businesses providing essential services, and to block movement between the regions.


“I don’t want to see a motorcade of trucks filled with coffins,” De Luca said, alluding to the eerie images of a fleet of army trucks transporting coffins out of the northern town of Bergamo, which was Italy’s worst-hit place during the peak of the outbreak in March.

Anonymous ID: 127fc9 Oct. 24, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.11254910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4932 >>4949 >>4992 >>5029 >>5070

Rep. Paul Gosar calls for NPR to be defunded over its blackout on Hunter Biden allegations


'I have already directed my staff to start working' on defunding NPR


Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) is calling for National Public Radio to be defunded by the federal government. The movement to defund NPR comes after the media organization announced that it would not cover the allegations against Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden.


On Thursday, NPR managing editor Terence Samuels declared that covering the news story about emails from Hunter Biden's laptop that was left at a computer repair store is a "waste" of time, and discredited the allegations a "distraction."


"We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don't want to waste the listeners' and readers' time on stories that are just pure distractions," Samuels stated. "And quite frankly, that's where we ended up, this was … a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way."


NPR has dismissed the Hunter Biden accusations despite Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declaring the Hunter Biden's laptop is "not part of some Russian disinformation campaign."


NPR also enacted a blackout on the Hunter Biden story despite an alleged business partner of Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinski, confirming the emails are "genuine" and coming forward with multiple phones that he claims have text messages showing dealings with a Chinese energy corporation and the Democratic presidential nominee's son. Bobulinksi alleges that Joe Biden is involved in the deal. He also offered to speak with the FBI and senators regarding alleged transactions with the Shanghai-based company.


NPR refuses to cover the story despite the fact that Hunter Biden has not denied dropping off his laptop at the computer repair shop back in 2019.


Rep. Gosar wants to defund National Public Radio, who called the outlet's blackout "appalling." He added that he has "already directed my staff to start working" on legislation to defund NPR, which is a federally-funded media organization.