On the Nazca lines: I wondered if the figures might have been their version of constellations, and it looks like others have wondered it as well.
Based n a few hours of digging, I think it might be so.
I don't have a source for this, it was just shape matching over a few hours.
The Orionlines guy may be on to something, though it's hard to follow how he got there.
Cephus as Parrot
Lacerta as Seaweed
Ursa minor as Small Spiral
Cyngus as Spider
Lyra as Flower
Draco as Alcatraz
Hercules and Serpense as (Large Spiral) and Aligator
Hydra as lizard
Monceros as Tree
Lepus as Hands
Orion as Parrot
Taurus as Seabird
Andromeda and Triagulum as Shells
Cassiopeia as Hummingbird
Pisces as Monkey with Spiral tail
Aquarius as Dog
Triangulum Australae, Apus, and Octans as Trapezoid
Crux, Musca, Chameleon, Volans and Carina as Astronaut
Pictor and Fornax as Triangles and Reticulum and Phoenix as Boxes.
Cetus as Whale.
The general shapes and "mythology" (in some cases) match up fairly well once you account for curvature.
Ursa Minor as a Spiral is a WAG based on position and how it rotates through the seasons.