It's called the Just Us system. Imagine what the FBI would do if any of the contents of these emails, laptops tapes and hard drives just happened to be belong to any of the 99% instead of the 1%.
Arrest, prison, execution.
It's called the Just Us system. Imagine what the FBI would do if any of the contents of these emails, laptops tapes and hard drives just happened to be belong to any of the 99% instead of the 1%.
Arrest, prison, execution.
From this date forward, any person who has committed a crime and/or is a suspect in a crime, should demand that the President must first ask the Attorney General of the United States to open an investigation, regardless of the mountains of evidence the local law enforcement may have. Additionally, one should also request, prior to any arrest, that all the information be played out in the media first to gauge public opinion. There must also be a Congressional investigation followed by Congressional hearings first, before one can be arrested. FUCK IT.
What's good for them should also be good for the rest.
I'm so done with shit. Let the swords fall where they may, I'm ready.