Operation Dark Winter is also the basis of the storyline in a Tom Clancy's bood "The Division". A political and military coup by the Deep State following the outbreak of a deadly pandemic that ravages the USA.
Adultery shill packed up and left last bread 47+ posts in- only halfway thru the bread.
More than that if you choose to dig…
Meme O with a flock of geese honking?
Spot on.
Here is the stark reality of a Biden/Harris Administration:
They will retain power indefinitely. Democrats have a master plan to take effect if they gain the White House.
To ensure they will forever maintain power in elected office throughout the government they will:
Dissolve the Electoral College
New statehood for D.C., Puerto Rico, etc.
Revise the Congressional District maps to include non-citizens thereby gaining new seats in the Legislature
4 Open the borders to flood the country with new potential voters for their party.
Pack the Supreme Court with left-leaning judges.
Abolish the filibuster in both branches of the legislature.
Feel free to add to the list.
Be certain of this- they have conspired endlessly with their conniving to guarantee that the Republicans never see power again.
In Roman times, in order to make Christianity mor palatable to the citizens (pagans), the Emperor (Constantine) re-named all the mythological statutes after Biblical characters.