Anons - Yes there's gore and yes BV's on top of things.
You can follow along with the action on the board log.
It will show you the board activity BO/BVs are taking to address issues.
Anons - Yes there's gore and yes BV's on top of things.
You can follow along with the action on the board log.
It will show you the board activity BO/BVs are taking to address issues.
The voyeurs on the other board (like NoName I treat those giggling "it's a Chinese Fire Drill" losers the same) are saying the current baker is:
Sounds like you'd have moar fun on the NoName meta bread instead then.
You're the one being defensive now.
eyes always on the NoNames now
Spoken like a NoName fanboi and not someone that cares about QR.
props to you for doing so