Anonymous ID: 7bdcc4 Oct. 24, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.11256984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7184

The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved The World)


“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” ― George Orwell


I have had some interesting conversations in the last few weeks that explain why I am getting overloaded and struggling to take on tasks I would in the past have found unproblematic. A "diagnosis" of something like Asperger’s requires there to be an impairment. Whilst I have always experienced being different, I have never needed to medicalise or pathologize this — so I never bothered to get "treatment". Yet it seems to fit what I observe in my life right now.

I would like to share with you some of what I have learned, and put it into the broader context of information warfare — and an ongoing Marxist/Bolshevik style insurgency in the West, being executed via medical tyranny. Specifically, I would like to link my personal physical experience to the related cultural phenomenon of “autists”, who are a critical (but misunderstood) sub-community in this undeclared conflict.

To make this connection real from outset, the Israeli army has a special unit for those with gifted perception but who do not fit into the usual recruitment model. As The Atlantic notes: "Many autistic soldiers who would otherwise be exempt from military service have found a place in Unit 9900, a selective intelligence squad where their heightened perceptual skills are an asset."

The modern hybrid warfare battlefield has many “digital soldiers” of a conceptually different nature to the past, and I find myself a warrior in the midst an intense conflict of meaning. This is not an abstract human experience, and comes with psychological pain that I believe rivals that of traditional and bloody kinetic warfare.


WW3 is a bio-information war

We are in an information war where a psychopathic system is attempting to draw the majority into a "hive mind" (communism is one label), whereby the group is elevated over the individual. This suits psychopaths who see themselves as "keeps of the hive", with no concern for the individuals or their autonomy. They are seeking to impose their own moral relativism via the corruption of science, media, politics, industry, and religion.

“Autists” (like me) are the mirror of psychopaths. We are highly intelligent, with strong “affective empathy” (i.e. pure hearted), but lacking the malignant narcissism or manipulative intent of psychopaths: "In the spectrum of the social, sociopaths, psychopaths, and malignant narcissists are SAME BRAIN as autists, but in the empathy and moral opposite.” So an autist is an evil genius — without the evil bit.


moar at

Anonymous ID: 7bdcc4 Oct. 24, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.11257311   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not my article–it is a perspective, not a slammer; and yours is correct. That is how it was meant. Anons have their own opinions, and here is a meeting of them all.