What the hell happened with the baker of #14373?
That's one of the most 'muh jooh' bakes I've ever seen!
I hope the new BV team banned his ass from the pool of bakers…
In ONE bread, he got us:
Israel's Ethnic Weapon?
Bio Lab in Nes Ziyyona, Israel
Saving Israel For Last
Rational thinking challenge
-about the "Holohoax"
Israel has created ISIS for their own benefit
It's okay to talk about Israel and Zionism
More on Jewish Subversion of the West
“Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country”
-about the Jewish people, of course
Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, retired Marine officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute says Mossad did 9/11
911 is symbolism for Greater Israel
This doctor, Jeremy Shapiro, prescribes 'puberty blockers" for male children who have not reached puberty
Lurkers and Newfags Stop letting yourself be offended, instead look for truth
-about the Jewish people
I get it, the team of BV/bakers just changed, but geez louise…