After tonight's reveals they're going to need something BIG as a distraction. Maybe they will announce a plan to run Maxine in 2020, and she will come out as a lesbian. Now that would be a LOT of fun!
Hillsong is a sex cult disguised as Pentacostalism. Scientology is all about $$$.
Greed and arrogance. Always tend to get the better of people like them. They also never had a turd like Hussein before. He was the catalyst. The slacked off and gor careless because they were SURE that HRC would win. If she had won none of this stuff would ever have come out. Our 1A and 2A would be gone, and we would be inexactly the same situation as most of Europe is right now.
Or maybe he didn't spell it wrong and he intended to convey that The Special Counsel is really a black hat council of conspirators trying to pull some bullshit.
Good question. I really hope they hang the daddy by the balls before he dies a natural death.