Not true
We are more powerful than them once we are awake and united.
We are in the process of awakening now.
Amazing time to be here participating in this historic movie
Not true
We are more powerful than them once we are awake and united.
We are in the process of awakening now.
Amazing time to be here participating in this historic movie
Karmic consequence of ele would be massive for them…they will leave pur planet or go dormant before killing everyone
They don’t have sexual preference because it has nothing to do with sex….it’s how they feed off our energy. We are the pray. Sex is the consumption
Q has told us
“We are sheep to them”
“We are cattle to them”
“Good vs evil”
“It’s worse than we can imagine”
Would put most in hospital if we knew
Whether call them ETs or demons is semantics
We know we are the pray and they are the predator.