Has less than a 1 pound max.
So those are grams.
Are those GPS coordinates, and is this an evidence picture?
Pops with the crackhead pedophile son as his bag man? That Pops?
Chinese agent said "He does not treat the Chinese like humans".
Holy crap. 24,000+ pieces of evidence in one case?
25,000+ pieces of evidence in one case? That's insane! No wonder this took so long!
Went past "blackmailed" to "under investigation".
It's the capital of the world, where God sits.
So if you want to be God, you have to sit, alone, in Jerusalem.
A load stone to the nations.
A stumbling block to the Jews.
A cup of trembling.
If you live a little longer, you will see the living God in Jerusalem.
Gorefag's here.
Dump's a'comin.