>Two 'cannibals,' who lured man to cabin and performed an illegal castration, 'offered their services online'
Two men were accused Wednesday in a criminal charge of performing an illegal gender reassignment surgery on a volunteer at their cabin in the woods and then keeping the body parts in a freezer, possibly to eat later.
Bob Lee Allen, 53, and Thomas Evans Gates, 42, were arrested Oct. 15 after going to the hospital in McAlester to try to visit the victim, Le Flore County Sheriff Rodney Derryberry said Tuesday.
"I can't say it's cult activity," the sheriff told reporters. "It is something that we have never in my career run across in this part of the country. It is borderline some type of activity. … We know there's a lot of rumors out there but at this time there's no danger to the public."
The 28-year-old victim had flown from Virginia to Dallas and then was driven to the cabin in southeast Oklahoma for the surgery, a sheriff's deputy reported in a court affidavit. The victim had made contact with Allen through a website while searching online about castrations and related terms.
The website requires registration to access. In a registration box is a welcome note "from theEunuchMaker and the EM Crew."
The victim reported Allen claimed to have 15 years of experience and that he "videos the procedures for personal use," according to the affidavit. The victim also reported "Allen told him that the surgery wouldn't cost him anything."
The victim told investigators that Allen performed the removal Oct. 12 on a covered makeshift table at the residence and that Gates helped by handing over the surgical equipment, according to the affidavit. The victim said he was awake for the two-hour surgery after being injected "in the needed areas."
The victim "stated that after the surgery was over that Allen said that he was going to consume the parts and laughed and said that he was a cannibal," according to the affidavit. The victim also said that Allen then talked about "the time he worked on someone that he described to be crazy and that he left the male opened up to die overnight."
The victim further stated that Allen "had six more clients on the way to have the same operation" and that Allen "informed him that he had a freezer with body parts and showed him pictures on his phone."
The victim said Allen took him to the hospital the next day because he had a lot of bleeding after first telling him, "No morgue. No ER." He said Allen told him that if he passed out or died that he would dump him in the woods, according to the affidavit. He said Allen instructed him to say "he done it to himself" once they arrived at the hospital.
He told medical personnel that the two men "tried to get him to participate in cannibalism," according to the affidavit.
Sheriff investigators became involved Oct. 14 after the hospital reported the "surgery." In a search of the cabin Oct. 15, investigators found a plastic bag "with what appeared to be testicles" in a deep freeze in a bedroom.
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