No, people who do nothing but bitch and moan 24/7 about bakers, notables and bread numbers killed this board.
>download for offline storage
Nice try, FBI. I ain't putting none of that shit on my hard drive.
>he actually pays attention to written board rules like the absolute newest of fags
Oh lawdy we got a live one here.
Datefags are at least relatable and typically well-intentioned. "It's hopeless the board is dead" idiots are just gif related.
POTUS is going hard today. As always.
>make the private sector even more hyper-competitive and impossible to navigate
Well fuck me.
Ok satan. Animefag has been here since /pol/ so it's not like moving to another board is going to get rid of him.
You stand out on /pol/ as well, you're just a droplet in the piss hurricane over there though.