Anonymous ID: 76ffc0 April 21, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.1140980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1082



Bianca Montgomery and Maggie Stone are fictional characters and a supercouple from the American daytime drama All My Children.[1][2][3][4] Bianca was portrayed by Eden Riegel, and Maggie was portrayed by Elizabeth Hendrickson.


Lorraine Broderick created and introduced Bianca in 1988, and (((Agnes Nixon))) expanded on the character, scripting her as a lesbian and making her the first lead character on a major daytime drama to be a lesbian.[5] Hendrickson was originally brought on as character Frankie Stone; the storyline revolved around the close relationship of Bianca and Frankie, as well as the aftermath of Frankie's death. When her death attracted criticism, writer Richard Culliton decided to bring the actress back as the character's identical twin sister, Maggie Stone. Maggie debuted on the show in 2002, to investigate her sister's murder, and was immediately thereafter set up to bond with Bianca.


Who is Ricard Culliton?

There is a Professional Children's School that seems to be popping up. A school for hollywood actors, musicians, sports stars…

Anonymous ID: 76ffc0 April 21, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.1141301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1477


Erica Kane Wiki - who's story is being told here?


The 1993 arrival of Kendall Hart (Sarah Michelle Gellar) prompted the reveal that, prior to the series' debut, Erica had been raped at age 14 by Eric's friend, film star Richard Fields.[1] Eric had allowed Richard, who had a "crush" on Erica, to be alone with her and had done nothing to prevent the rape from occurring.[1][28] A revisitation of the event during Erica's 2004 alcohol intervention storyline introduced the fact Eric had actually offered up Erica for sex with Richard to convince the actor to star in one of Eric's films.[32] Erica represses all memory of the rape until 16-year-old Kendall, a child conceived by it and revealed to be Erica’s first born daughter she gave up for adoption to the Harts, appears in 1993.[28][33] Viewer reaction to the discrepancy created by Erica's having a 16-year-old daughter conceived in a 24-year-old rape prompted the series to immediately adjust Kendall's age to 23.[34] The mother-daughter relationship between Erica and Kendall was designed as antagonistic and complex,[35] with Kendall, unaware of the rape, seeking revenge against Erica in feeling she "abandoned" her as an infant,[26] while wanting her mother's approval.[36] Kendall's attempted seduction of Erica's love interest, Dimitri Marick, creates conflict between him and Erica, and Kendall also brings Richard Fields to town to torment her mother.[28] Kendall later makes peace with her mother and leaves town in 1995.[36] She returns in 2002, portrayed by a new actress, Alicia Minshew,[37] as Kendall's birth year was revised to 1976. The later story between Erica and Kendall displayed each character's point of view as they both deal with the ramifications of how Kendall's conception traumatized them, which Lucci praised.[26] A reconciliation later occurs for the characters wherein they bond as mother and daughter.