Hunter is a Wolverine fan
is this being done to shut down how the POTUS counters MSM?
Or is it being done to show Twatter is not unbiased. that they censor content?
is that her ring?
they have 25,000 images. they are teasing with these. If he is banging wives and sisters you don't find that strange? Along with all this trust being placed in Hunter negotiating with Ukraine and China?
Hunter's Mom grew up in the Finger Lakes area
Hunter's Mom grew up in the Finger Lakes area
Hunter's Mom grew up in the Finger Lakes area
Hunter's Mom grew up in the Finger Lakes area
Hunter's Mom grew up in the Finger Lakes area
back tattoo solved by Halfchan 3/2/20
Hunter's Mom grew up in the Finger Lakes area
>>11265072 from half
This means he got the tattoo between July and September according to the timestamps. It looks pretty fresh in the picture too.
he got it close to 9/10/18, it still has wrap on it in the mirror
he got it that day. Wrapped 2-4 hours