The United States is a nation of slavery, prove me wrong.
How are you free? In every instance you must pay for your supposed freedom. Your life is an exchange of labor for the ability to live one way or another. You do not have a choice in this from birth to death. Socialism or communism do not fix what I note below, they only change the method in which you are enslaved. My labor is free to me, but today my labor is taxed if I wish to exchange it for someone else's labor.
Do you wish to be born? Your parents must pay for the doctor and hospital for your birth. You must be registered with the state in order to exist. You must be registered with the federal government I order for your parents tax burden to be reduced.
Do you wish to be educated? You must pay for college and go into debt. Your parents must pay through taxes for your lower education. You must be educated, there is no legal option otherwise.
Do you wish to have a bed to sleep in? You must pay rent or property tax or you will lose your bed. You must pay tax on the actual bed you purchased or make your own with your labor.
Do you wish to eat? You must pay for food or have land to grow your own on which you must pay tax.
Do you wish for alcohol or drugs? You must pay tax on legal substances or pay for those which are illegal because no tax was collected. This goes for the manufacturer and purchase of.
Do you wish to have electricity, water, heat? Most people must pay for all to the utility plus tax, those who do not must pay greatly once including a tax or with their labor for as long as they still need.
Do you wish to have a job? You must pay for the privilege through income tax. Failure to pay is criminal.
Do you want a bank account? You must pay the bank so they may profit from lending your money. No bank account? You must pay for your money unless you are paid directly with cash.
Do you wish to have a family? See do you wish to be born plus all others on this list.
Do you wish to have a business? You must pay tax on the income you generate, you must pay tax on the income generating property, you must pay tax for your employees. You must obey the state and local government or have your business closed.
Do you wish to own any material goods? In most places you must pay sales or excise tax. The goods you purchased have another tax baked into the purchase price.
Do you wish to have transportation? You must pay for any transportation, public, private, car, aircraft, boat, etc. No transportation is free except walking, but most people cannot make shoes so you want them so you must pay plus tax.
Do you wish to retire? You must pay throughout life with your labor directly or indirectly in order to afford to pay for essentials in retirement. You must pay tax on the social security you already involuntarily paid throughout life if you wish to collect plus have a job if you make over an arbitrary amount per your government.
Do you wish to have any sort of health care? You must pay directly to the provider an exorbitant amount or pay through a health care provider whom you paid through your job or directly.
Do you wish to die? You must pay for the funeral and your body disposition. You must pay tax on your estate before gifting it to your heirs. Home burial is criminal.
Do you wish to worship God? You must pay tax to the church if you belong. It is voluntary but try not to. God is watching.
The only people in the United States who are truly free are the homeless. They pay by not having anything, wondering where food and shelter may come from and living in the elements. Living on government land and growing food is illegal as is living on state or private land. Technical being homeless is illegal but it isn't generally enforced everywhere. Those who accept help from the state or federal government are no longer truly free. Those who are helped by private citizens are encouraged to go back into slavery, see all.
The government is our pimp and master. The government gets their taste of any legal transaction. Any transaction that bypasses the government is generally illegal. The government is worse than a maffia because a maffia recognizes that you must continue to survive for them to be able to continue to profit. The government doesn't care about you because they own you from birth to after death. Prove me wrong.