Barry and HRC are pawns controlled by corrupted MILINT, England and its various arms and Israel and its intelligence apparatus, along with Wall Street and its machinations.
Do you actually make your bed every day and why does that really matter?
Also, the "logo" is probably just some design on the shirt she's wearing.
This doesn't mean someone isn't making her wear it because of the symbolism, but jesus you guys are in full sprint.
kek i just thought the "the bed behind them isn't made" reminded me of the halfchan meme where we point out the one flaw with the picture of the beautiful woman.
the shit on her wrists and elbows is very curious indeed, but i think you guys are asking the wrong questions for the right reasons.
Yeah, basically this.
The only curiosity I still have is what kind of "fashion thing" that shit on her elbows and wrists.
Sorry, anon.
People have to see this shit though.
This is like protecting a child from growing up. If you don't prepare them for what's about to happen to them, they will be stunted.
Besides, you're here to grow.
It's the Skippy push broom shower video where the kid is in a hot shower and Podesta is yelling at him.
You've probably seen it before if you've been here very long.
The right leg of the lady is bent to the right of the arm circled in the picture in question.
Circled is an arm, where the elbow is in the center.
Of course a grown man's leg looks vastly different from a woman's arm.
I do not see the "child" in the picture, anons.