Those fuckers sell their children out. It's called BLACKMAIL.
Of course, OBAMY knew he was whoring out his daughter. It is how it has been since the beginning.
Has anyone cared to notice that every fucking time a "LIBERTARIAN" runs for office (much like the (((Greene party))) it is a fucking jew, to siphon votes from TRUMP?
Wake the fuck up, people. The jews are subverting your nation and have been since its' founding.
He should have had a better grip on her hips.
They make the CCP, which they control, seem like pikers by comparison.
It is showing that the crack, as seen in the picture of three phones is consistent with the information and (crack) where the information is being displayed,
IOW, it would be hard to fake.
Budolinski (sp?) The guy that held a press conference about his business dealings with the Biden's prior to the debate, that YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook have been scrubbing from the net.
The jews were splitting the bread. It is part of their divide and conquer strategy that has worked so well for the past 110 years.
Now that the GOYIM know, it is not as effective as it once was.
Can't you and your kind fuck off back to Israel, and leave the goyim alone?
If this board can't show JEW CRIMINALITY AND SUBVERSION to the DEGREE that JEWS ENGAGE IN CRIMINALITY AND SUBVERSION, and the STUPID JEWS can't FIGURE OUT that the GOYIM KNOW, the jews are beyond any hope or reason.
No one is buying the JEW LIES, except for the DOLTISH BAPTISTS, who are still voting for Trump.
Sucks to be a jew…
Ask your rabbi, jew.
You should tell that to your rabbi.
Tell Abe Foxman.
I doubt it. It;s the guy that mutilated your penis and then sucked it, in public.
You know. YOUR RABBI?
Jews are so fucking brain damaged.