>>11266518 (lb)
love the way the movie is unfolding.
Treasonous Politicians Exposed
Perversions Rampant in the Cesspool
Security Agencies FBI/DOJ/CIA Protectors of the Perpetrators/Elite while Victims Suffer Horribly Revealed Publicly
Arrogant Dem Election Mail Fraud in America's Face
Drip, Drip, Drip ObamaSpy Ring Docs
Many in Both Political Persuasions Anti-American
Institutional Bureaucracies Domestic/Foreign Infiltration
Davos Oligarch Plan to Crash the World Economy via the Mechanism of CV-19 Con
MSM/High Tech Social Media Fascist Censorship
Useless Cloth Mask Wearing
Worldwide Lockdown Restriction Over the Fucking Flu, Manufactured or Not
Gates/Fauci/Birx/Redfield Vac and Chip, Perpetual Useless Mask Wearing Chicanery
what else can we add…..???