Of course doctors fake coronavirus deaths for money! I believe it is CMS which offered $13,000 in additional money to hospitals treating COVID-19 patients versus similar (but non-COVID) respiratory illnesses and $39,000 in additional money if the victim (oops, I mean patient) ended up on a ventilator. That is a powerful incentive for "misdiagnosis" and murder via use of an unnecessary ventilator.
Plus, the CDC apparently gave guidance to doctors to make "COVID-19" the cause of death even if it may have only hastened or contributed to the death. Dr. Scott Jansen, the Minnesota politician and family physician was investigated by a medical board when he spoke on Fox about this issue. He was later exonerated, but it was obvious the doctors "union" wanted to smear him. Doctors showing any resistance to the MSM narrative are liable to be criticized, censored or in the case of Dr. Simone Gold lose their jobs. So yes, there is powerful incentive to essentially "fake" coronavirus deaths for money.
I would challenge the CDC (or anyone) to provide evidence of even ONE "coronavirus death" that met all these criteria: 1. The virus purified (isolated) from patient samples 2. The person had NO underlying comorbidities 3. The individual was not placed on a ventilator (killing machine for people with "coronavirus") 4. No other organism isolated which could account for symptoms (Legionella, for example)
DOCTORS (not worthless PCR tests) make diagnoses based on symptoms and signs. No symptoms= no disease. The artificial inflation of cases leads to panic which leads to knee jerk demands for a vaccine. Vaccines intentionally hyper stimulate the immune system resulting in serious, long term illnesses from which the "medical establishment" makes enormous sums of money (about 20% of US GDP, I believe, is spent on health care).
Scaring us with likely death counts that did not materialize didn't work so now we are being scared with artificially high "case counts" among people who are asymptomatic or have a "head cold".