Both Shia and Sunni consider the Ismailis heretics, though they're always referred to as "an Islamic sect" by think tankards and media bots. The Ismailis , the "islamic sect" formerly know as the Assassins, are the world's premiere division shills and stealth operators.
Their original HQ was Alamut which is not far from Tehran.
Are the Ismailis allied with IRGC? Aga Khan appears to be Justin Trudeau's handler.
New fags may need reminding that the Assassins were the world's first terrorists and highly skilled mind control users. The Assassin's initiatory rituals employed drugs, hypnotism, stage magic and murder to built a secret terror organization which extorted the mighty empires of the ME and was the deciding influence in nation state politics of the day.
The Assassins were the puppet masters of the ancient world. For three hundred years their embedded assassin terrorized Kings and Emperors, held the region in thrall, feared and respected until the Mongol Khan lost his temper and steam clean the fortress at Alamut.
Only HQ was wiped out, the assassins senior leaders rapidly reconstituted the organization in a new, benign appearing form: The Ismailis.
Ismaili Assassins
Image of ismaili and assassins
The Ismaili Assassins were an underground group of political killers who were ready to kill Christians and Muslims alike with complete disregard for their own lives.