Anonymous ID: 4552a8 Oct. 25, 2020, 8:24 a.m. No.11270953 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>11270922 >Why was FLOTUS last tweet on January 20? Inauguration.
Anonymous ID: 4552a8 Oct. 25, 2020, 8:26 a.m. No.11270972 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>11270957 >no deals faggot No pre-conviction deals. Sentencing deals are another story (movie.)
Anonymous ID: 4552a8 Oct. 25, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.11271029 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>1043 >>11271012 >Why are the Chinese releasing it? The Chinese opposition to CCP are releasing it.