kate beddingfields (bidens mouthpiece) ses that biden's plans to kill the economy is spot on โ cuz the mere act of killing the economy will create millions of jobs
biden crack theory
kate beddingfields (bidens mouthpiece) ses that biden's plans to kill the economy is spot on โ cuz the mere act of killing the economy will create millions of jobs
biden crack theory
howie is a superb jorno- figured out how to get stupider with ray suarez
way to go howie โ stupider was achieved
really truly it ain'tBUTT BURNING HOT LUST-its all love, real pure gentle clean wholesome family love
someone tell msdnc that chuck todd is looking to pull a #meTOOBin
he's unhinged, gonna come out dirty wetback nigger juh
howie is acting like all this talk against biden being a liar, thief, crook, and who knows wut elseโ because of American decencly and we shouldn;t play politics
fuck you nigger juh howie you are a traitor and when you swing no one will be thar to say it was unfair including your orthodox jews whom you've turned against you, only the antifa blm trans genders will stand with you, and die with youโ