Anybody that lets somebody shoot a gun like that should have their guns destroyed. However, it looks like she's using the scope as a monocular.
kikes will be kikes.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pressed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their meeting in Jerusalem on Monday to further cool relations with China and limit Chinese investments in Israel over the new strategic partnership agreement China signed with Iran, Israeli and U.S. officials said.
Why it matters: The Trump administration has been lobbying Israel for two years to scale back its relations with China. Until now, those efforts have had very little success.
Many Trump administration officials remain frustrated by the Israeli position.
Upgrading relations with China — and enhancing trade and investments — was one of Netanyahu's main foreign policy objectives over the last decade.
Hello LUDE
Clif notes
[P]= President
President of World Jewish Congress.
The President answers to the [C]hair who is the richest man on the planet, David de Rothschild (son of the Y head lady), who is married to Princess Aldobrandini who is direct Papal descendant.
NWO = NASI World Order
NASI is hebrew for king/president
The NWO will/would have had a Jewish World Leader