Pelosi is next.
I think this week will be bad for her.
They have just as much dirt on Paul.
Pelosi is next.
I think this week will be bad for her.
They have just as much dirt on Paul.
Think about why Pelosi was also sent the hard disks.
Paul is guilty of all the same stuff.
Supposedly a board member of Ukrainian Viscoil.
Board member of indicted World Soccer Alliance, a cover NGO for diamond smuggling.
My theory is that CV19 is already being spread within our community through some stealthy means.
Like in NY, possibly purposefully applied to subway surfaces.
Are they using these BLM protests and spreading it in the air?
Is that why they refuse to report contact tracing?
Wouldn't that be funny if it was Natalie that exposed them all?
When her Vsco site was up, there were recent pics where she was clearly NOT pregnant.
Though I dont remember how recent.
A lot can change in 3 months.