DNCCP– National Security Threat.
This election is under watch.
Voter fraud known.
Kamhala removed.
This election, can not take place, without MIL guard.
What makes the fake news, fake science COVID go away 11.4?
The fact that it was not as deadly as they said.
POTUS was following along, as per the CDCCP. Now he knows ALL about this "virus."
The truth will come out. No more Masks, no more BS. All those who lied in the name of "Science," are also co-conspirators.
"Round Up" (weed killer, poisonous, chemicals, double meanings) will be the Cure. MIL is the only way.
We can't unite, unless there is 2020 Transparency, and as of now, the three letter agencies, who have the same intel as MIL, have NOT PRODUCED.