"Constant was born the son of a poor shoemaker in Paris. He attended a Catholic school for poor children, where he showed a great aptitude for religion. At 15, he entered the seminary of
Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet to study for the priesthood, where he learned, among other religious matters, the Hebrew language. The master of this seminary, Abbé Frère-Colonna, taught the
young Constant that humanity, fallen from the bosom of God through original sin, must return towards Him by a process which tears him away from matter and gradually spiritualizes him.
He also taught the boy that history was divided into four great eras of progressively greater spiritualization: the first began with Adam; the second began with Abraham; the third began
with Jesus; and the fourth was to begin with the advent of the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit. Abbé Frère was deposed for his views while Constant was still attending the seminary. Constant
always remained faithful to the basic tenets of Catholicism, but he never forgave the Ecclesiastical authorities for disgracing his beloved teacher."
It appears that Alphonse is the artist who added the tattooed phrase "Solve et" and "Coagula" onto the arms of his rendition of "Baphomet"
Recall Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano' reference to "Solve Et Coagula" as he attempted to blame 200+ years of Vatican corruption upon the Revolutionary group The Carbonari and
via extension, the Masons. General Lafayette, a Carbonari, was a very good friend to George Washington, also a Master Mason.
General Lafayette lent his military expertise to the American Revolutionary Cause and was also a Mason.
The Carbonari were fighting for their rights and freedom against the Bourbon King Ferdinand I, who at that time, appears to have been in control of the Vatican/Papacy.
The Alta Vendita document which Dr. Taylor Marshall and Carlo Maria Vigano are using as "proof" that the masons infiltrated the Vatican, was written by a man
'''in the Employ of the Bourbon King, Jacques Cretineau Joly.
Copies of the Alta Vendita document were given away free with the purchase of the "Vatican Approved" Joly work, L'Église romaine en face de la Révolution.
"Since 1856, the name Baphomet has been associated with the "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Éliphas Lévi,[1][2][7]"
"which contains binary elements representing the "symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites"[1]"
"In 1814 the Carbonari wanted to obtain a constitution for the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by force. The Bourbon king, Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies, as opposed to them."
"It is still circulated by many traditionalist and sedevacantist Catholics, who believe it accurately describes the changes in the church in the post-Vatican II era.[9]"
"but in 1839 he also took on the editing of L'Europe monarchique, a newspaper devoted to the interests of the Bourbons."