Anonymous ID: 14a3a7 April 21, 2018, 12:35 a.m. No.1127466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q Obama photo >>112211


Anon from Hawaii - think this is the right time-frame for the Q Photo – Xmas 2008 ending jan 2009- during “transition” from election to inauguration. Dug up some AS [187] motivation too.

*2008 xmas vacation Hussein is in Hawaii it ends jan 2 2009 - Goes to the zoo with entourage kids and dads no moms – goes to his grandmother’s old Apartment —“where he grew up”. (partial text below – read link)


He had also been in Hawaii that summer August 2008 (after receiving the nomination amidst lawsuits against his candidacy)) where he was photographed going to the apt with this caption:



Democratic presidential hopeful Illinois Sen. Barack Obama waited yesterday afternoon for the doors to close in the elevator that would take him up to visit his grandmother in a Punahou-area apartment.


(Sauce)http:// Worth a read….


(partial paste of article txt:)

Wright, 62, of Honolulu, said the demonstrators represented various groups, including her organization, Veterans for Peace. The groups issued a news release that stated in part: “;We call on President-elect Obama to place the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the top of his list of priorities of his new administration.”;

(contd)As his motorcade left the Kailua compound, Obama sat in the rear on the passenger side of his black sport utility vehicle andwas not visible to the protesters,


(cont’d) The motorcade then made the drive over the Pali Highway to Punahou School, where it was met by about 200 students, parents and administrators at the private school, which is on its winter break.

(Cont’d) Punahou spokeswoman Laurel Bowers Husain said the students were members of various sports teams

(cont’d)Aides said Obama was accompanied by friends Martin Nesbitt, Eric Whitaker, Greg Orme and another high school friend, Mike Ramos.

Obama spent about an hour in the gym, emerging in a fresh white T-shirt, Bermuda shorts and sandals.

He then made his way over to the throng of people, exchanging pleasantries, posing for photographs and signing a few autographs before leaving.


The entourage then made its way to the Honolulu Zoo, where he and his daughters, Malia and Sasha, were joined by the children of his other friends. No wives were spotted entering the zoo with the group of about 15 adults and children.


Obama capped off his day with a visit to the Punahou-area apartment where he grew up, and where Dunham, his grandmother, lived until her death Nov. 2

. The apartment had been a frequent stop for Obama on previous trips._

An aide said she did not immediately know why Obama was visiting the residence. He entered the building out of public view and did not stop to greet the dozen or so people who had gathered on the sidewalk outside the building after word of his arrival got out.


He returned to his vacation residence shortly before 6 p.m.)


(THINK: nefarious doings +Hussein's Hawaii Apt = _____?)

Anonymous ID: 14a3a7 April 21, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.1127828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

sorry if this is old news been under a rock, but "As The World Turns….." just dawned on this Anon thinkin kids in the cast - duration - inroad to Hwood—
