Witches are Mollochite females,
Who have mastered pheromonal control;
They can imbue courage and adreno-strenght,
Or take it all the way down to 0,
Disrupting coordination, concentration, memory.
They can also directly increase cortisol levels,
To create a longer-term, mass stress/fear effect.
It's about pheromones,
Or rather remote biological influence,
Of essential neurophysiology,
Mediated via adrenaline and oxytocin.
"Our girls" naturally vasodilate
"Shrill bitches" naturally vasoconstrict
And both eventually key in on the true nature of their influence; good fems will try to limit the effect, {{fucked-up ones}} will grow & abuse their power.
Hard counters to this are:
Autism, Faggotry, Niggardry
Deep self-acceptance, i.e. "Narcissism"
High testosterone levels
Softer counters are things like therapy dogs and girl friends, but boss witches can use that against