The 'gateway' to heaven is within. Don't need to go anywhere.
I experienced this after meditation - it was a TOTAL body orgasm of unconditional love. Not sexual. Every cell of my body was filled with divine love. Awesome experience.
Exactly. Everyone has esoteric intuition and 'gut' feelings. Some are more sensitive to energy, some are closed off to it.
A higher frequency of love results in benevolent actions and a lower frequency of fear, judgement
and hate, results in evil malevolent actions.
Just because one is sensitive to what is not seen doesn't make them a 'witch'.
Those in control did not want us to be empowered.
It was much easier to control people who were in fear and not in touch with their intuition.
We can remove them from injuring the public,
but becoming hateful and dark like them does absolutely NO good to us.
Why become them?
Goodnight anon.
It starts for me by EXPERIENCING it. I don't need to have faith or try and believe,
because I experience it.
Experiencing God in my life is 'hocus pocus'?
Okie Dokie. I don't join 'clubs' like religions.
And how I experience God is really no concern of yours. Triggered? Or a shill?
Anyone can know God without a paying a middle man or a bunch of books men wrote.
Until you experience it, It cannot be explained further,
and I'm sure we've taken up enough bread.
Religions just divide and destroy each other.
That has been the problem in the world from
the time they were discovered by man.
They get really triggered if you don't join their 'club'.
Yes, it is a very personal and intimate journey.
And no 'teams' to battle each other with.
Just a ring with dingle dangles. Insignificant in my eyes.
Don't you already know those answers??
I even considered that she was BHO's love child,
and adopted by the Nixons. She has a wide mouth like him,
but looks too much like her siblings.
Alan is a Constitutional Libertarian - how do you know who he voted for?