Correct, also in more recent memory 'satanic panic' got a lot of innocent lives destroyed. The masses will over react, and as even this board has proven people can't distinguish between neutral facts of existence which can be used for good or evil, and taboo 'evil knowledge' It is VERY common for lightworkers to get blamed as witches /(warlocks) to deflect blame from satanists, who continue using 'forbidden knowledge' for evil under cover of the official church that outlaws certain areas of research and knowledge.
Life in prison with no parole, and full access to healthcare including all suppressed cures for terminal diseases and full access to all classified, suppressed, and untested life extending technologies.
look at the talk page, the mainstream media requires us to be called a conspiracy theory.
It is the satanic cabal who tries to hide the truth of god as occult. Never believe them when theey say 'you can't handle the truth because it is dangerous and the corrupt will abuse it' because they are corrupt and already abusing it. only by bringing all knowledge into the light can it be used for good, and evil usage can be easily spotted for what it is. God is real, but satan / other evil one LOVE to role play as god and get people to hand over their own power to them. the so called deities are powerless without people who feed them.
if its 'just' tinnitus why does it change so much if I move around or tilt my head? It seems to vary by the location of my ears when the doctors say its an effect 100% in my head.