SOMETHING juicy is gonna drop within the next 8 days; and it ain't gonna be no dick pics.
I have a theory that Hunter got her preggers. Only takes 9 months. She could have easily hid from cameras for 9 months.
Would a crack-addicted pedo niece-fucker give a SHIT about safe sex? If they're always doing it, then eventually she would've gotten pregnant.
There's a Natalie-Hunter baby out there somewhere, unless it got sacrificed to Molech.
CNN just said Biden has a strong lead tho!!
What would the world be like if there was no evil?? No Deep state, No satanic pedophiles, no liberals. Just regular good people. I know it wouldn't be paradise, but it'd be so much better than this .
i'd eat one now for strength, then bury the other as thanks to the gods.